Intermittent beekeeper, occasional artist and erstwhile Shiatsu practitioner, Stefan is also an irreverent Permaculture teacher, avid mycophile and born-again hotelier (stathanshotel.com).
He co-founded the London Permaculture Festival and the London Permaculture Network in 2010, and was Chair of the Permaculture Association, the UK’s leading Permaculture charity, for five years. He also hosts the ‘21st Century Permaculture’ radio show (21stCenturyPermaculture.com), and after dragging his heels for many years, is finally studying for a diploma in Applied Permaculture design. He lives and plots in north London. To see what’s afoot go to stefangeyer.co.uk
Books by Stefan
Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design
Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design is full of inspiration that you can carry with you anywhere. Each page explores a permaculture idea or theme. These are not the last word on the subject but catalysts for new thought. They articulate a process of awakening that can help us become intimately aware of how nature works. As we become more sensitive to our place within the natural world, we see our own nature within it.