An extensive handbook with practical information on growing, harvesting and using medicinal trees and shrubs sustainably in a temperate climate, whether for self-sufficiency or profit.
Author, Anne Stobart draws on her direct experience of creating a medicinal forest garden in the UK to provide supplies for herbal medicine in practice. She provides advice on the design of new planting projects which can meet the needs of different users from small gardens to smallholdings and agroforestry. Includes:
- How medicinal trees can contribute to health and environment
- Practical advice on designing with medicinal trees and shrubs using permaculture principles, alongside their establishment and propagation
- Combinations of woody and other layers of medicinal plants suitable for creating a medicinal forest garden or inclusion in other growing projects
- Management for a sustainable harvest including coppicing and pollarding of medicinal trees and shrubs
- Key medicinal constituents of woody plants and research studies into their effects
- How to harvest and preserve products from medicinal trees and shrubs effectively
- Recipes for making a range of herbal health care products
- Detailed monographs on medicinal trees and shrubs, providing fully referenced information about their medicinal potential and uses alongside cultivation and harvest details.
“This book is a treasure trove of information, Anne who is an experienced medical herbalists and grower of medicine, founder member of the medicinal forest trust, has deep insightful wisdoms which are beautifully articulated throughout the book. The book is in 2 main parts- Part 1 has detailed practical information on applications of tree medicine, the desiging, growing, harvesting and creating remedies & Part 2 provides a directory of 40 medicinal trees and shrubs.”
Karen Lawton is one of the Seed SistAs from Sensory Solutions Herbal Evolution
Book Details
Published: April 2020
ISBN: 978 1 85623 332 3
Size: 275 x 222mm
Format: Paperback, 288pp, colour photos throughout

Anne Stobart is a medical herbalist and herb grower based in Devon, UK. Anne remembers an early interest in plants, and she was delighted to be given books about herbs when she was young. She went on to a career in teaching and management posts in adult, further and higher education in Merseyside and in Devon. Rather later in life, Anne trained as a medical herbalist and started a practice as a consultant medical herbalist in Devon. The training which Anne undertook formed the basis of the first professional herbal medicine practitioner course validated as a degree in the UK. The BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine degree ran at Middlesex University in London, where Anne managed the programme for professional herbal practitioners until 2010.