Permaculture is more than a way of designing gardens, farms, enterprises, and even events, it is a creative framework for thinking differently.
If you want to understand the deeper concepts behind permaculture, this is the book for you.
The way we think has determined the current state of our planet. If we change our thinking, we can transform personal wellbeing, and also the future state of our world.
Learn about:
- Abundance thinking
- Solutions thinking
- Systems thinking
- Thinking like nature
- Cooperative thinking
- Thinking for the future
- From thought to action
7 Ways to Think Differently explores practical steps that allow us to reframe our daily lives, helping us to make incremental, achievable changes. As well as addressing our internal landscapes, Looby Macnamara, the originator of the Cultural Emergence concept, explains how individuals and groups can collaborate and achieve positive change. She also explores the current political and mainstream paradigms and where they are leading us.
These ways to think differently are influential alternatives to the current mindset and can shift us to a better present, as well as setting us on a trajectory towards a better future. Looby offers a potent pathway for a world full of challenges for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world.
“In her closing words Looby asks us to accept ‘that this [book] is an invitation to embark on a beautiful journey of embracing, responding and discovering’. I do, I am now using the book…and strongly recommend it to you as one very effective tool for being and doing in a very different way.”
Alan Charlton, trainee permaculture teacher
Available in iBook and Kindle formats
Book Details
Published: September 2014
ISBN: 978 1 85623 189 3
Size: 196 x 130mm
Format: Paperback, 112pp
Looby has been teaching permaculture since 2002, and is partner of a leading teaching and consultancy venture, Designed Visions. She runs traditional introduction, full and advanced permaculture design courses, as well as teacher training. She also specialises in People and Permaculture courses, including Design Immersion weeks, Social Permaculture and 7 Ways to Think Differently courses.