Charles Dowding, experienced no dig gardener, and author of many books, including Permanent Publications’ No Dig Organic Home and Garden, has been awarded the Elizabeth Medal of Honour by the RHS.

The Elizabeth Medal of Honour was established in 2023, with the gracious assent of His Majesty King Charles III in perpetual remembrance of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s glorious reign.

The Medal enables the RHS Council to confer conspicuous honour on international horticulturists and UK non-horticulturists that have significantly impacted the advancement of the science, art or practice of horticulture for the benefit of all generations and the environment. In recognition of the duration of Queen Elizabeth’s reign, only 70 medals will be held at any one time.

The annual RHS People Awards recognises the achievements and hard work of individuals making an outstanding contribution to horticulture and gardening. Anyone can make a nomination and each year we love to hear about the people you believe should be recognised for their talents. Nominations are assessed by the RHS Awards Committee, which is comprised of experienced horticulturists from across the horticultural industry. The Committee recommends the strongest applications to the RHS Horticulture Board and RHS Council for a final decision.
Charles Dowding was among four awardees of this honour. Charles is a pioneer of organic and no dig growing since 1983, creating and cropping four market gardens, the largest of seven acres. His no dig method is being trialled and used by the RHS, National Trust gardeners and Kew Gardens London.

Learn more from Charles at:

Order Charles’s book, No Dig Organic Home and Garden, co-authored with Stephanie Hafferty, directly from us, the publisher, at: