Kosha Anja Joubert (MSc Organisational Development) is an international facilitator, trainer, manager and consultant. She has worked extensively in the fields of curriculum development, building of training teams, international collaboration and sustainable development. She has lived in South Africa, The Netherlands, Germany and the UK and brings a deep understanding of cultural diversity to her work.
Kosha currently serves as CEO of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN International), working on all continents to develop vision, strategy and outreach. GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, academics, entrepreneurs and sustainable community networks across the globe (www.ecovillages.org).
Kosha is a co-founder of Gaia Education (www.gaiaeducation.net). She is co-author of the internationally applicable Gaia Education curriculum, the development of which was endorsed by UNITAR and recognised as an official contribution to the UN ‘Decade for the Education for Sustainable Development 2004-2014’.
Books by Kosha
Beyond You and Me
Beyond You and Me offers skills in communication, conflict resolution, leadership, facilitation, consensus decision making and an inspiring perspective on solving global problems.