Julian Evans was formerly the Forestry Commission’s Chief Research Officer. For more than 30 years he has owned a 30-acre wood in Hampshire. He is a member of the Small Woods Association, Royal Forestry Society, the Woodland Trust, is a vice president of the Commonwealth Forestry Association and the International Tree Foundation, and is a past president of the Institute of Chartered Foresters. He is chair of the Forestry Commission’s Expert Committee on Forest Science.
Julian was appointed OBE for services to forestry and the third world. He has written/edited some 15 books of which the two most recent are God’s Trees – trees, forests and wood in the Bible (DayOne) and Getting Started in Your Own Wood (Permanent Publications).
Julian’s own wood has featured on BBC Radio 4′s Ramblings and in Country Life. He lectures frequently about owning and caring for his own woodland including, amongst others, to the National Trust, natural history societies, local conservation bodies, regional branches of Council for Protection of Rural England, International Tree Foundation, Royal Forestry Society, and Young Farmers clubs.
Books by Julian
Getting Started in Your Own Wood
All you need to know about the basics. Written by experts committed to the care and stewardship of our woodland resources this provides practical advice and guidance for those coming to woodland management for the first time.
Includes, owning or caring for a wood, first steps, permission, planting and caring for trees, natural regeneration, cleaning, pruning, thinning and felling, firewood and wood to burn plus much more.
A Wood of Our Own
A Wood of Our Own takes us on a journey of discovery into the history and development of a small corner of our countryside and evokes the beauty of our natural surroundings. An entertaining and personal account of the realisation of every forester’s ambition – ownership of a woodland – aimed at everybody who enjoys the countryside.
Out of print