Janet, co-author of Outdoor Classrooms, is an educationalist, author and researcher with a long background in Community Development and Permaculture Education. She has vast practical experience in course design and teaching at all levels including teacher training. Janet matches that with years of practical experience in developing her own property towards best practice sustainability and in the establishment and use of community and school gardens following the permaculture principles.
Janet has designed many school gardens, working with teachers across the regions to provide engaging and authentic learning experiences for children of all ages and was a leader in the global Transition Towns movement in Australia.
At present Janet works with past students in many successful projects and makes herself available to support permaculture initiatives whenever she can and believes, “… there is no greater thing we can do for our children than to ensure they receive their birthright; a love and understanding of nature and a knowledge of their place in it”.
Books by Carolyn Nuttal
Outdoor Classrooms: A Handbook for School Gardens
Outdoor Classrooms is ideal for teachers and home educators who want to incorporate outdoor education at all levels of the school curriculum, with an emphasis on setting up vegetable gardens, teaching children about growing food, economic concerns, human and planetary health and future sustainability.
Beautifully illustrated throughout, Outdoor Classrooms is presented as two streams of thought.