Anni Kelsey has been passionate about gardening and the natural world for as long as she can remember. As her concerns about the unsustainability of our present food system grew she began to ‘edibilise’ her garden aiming to find a way of growing food that required as little time, effort and skill as possible. She based her experiments on forest gardening but adapted this to fit in an average sized back garden. This led her to focus on experimenting with perennial vegetables, obtaining and growing as many as she possibly could.

As she gained experience and enthusiasm for this style of gardening she wanted to convey what she had learned to others which in turn led her to write Edible Perennial Gardening or the book she would have liked to have been able to read years ago, if it had already been written! She hopes that it will inspire and enable others to grow perennial vegetables which are little known but tasty and rewarding crops.

Anni’s garden is in a challenging situation high on a hill facing Wales in one direction and England in the other. When she is not in the garden she loves nothing more than exploring the local countryside and coffee shops.

Books by Anni

Edible Perennial Gardening

A guide to growing edible perennials in a low maintenance polyculture. Anni has picked her favourite, tasty varieties and explains how to source and propagate them, guiding the reader through the basic principles, permaculture and forest gardening, polycultures, site selection and more.

This book provides all you need to know to get started on a new gardening adventure that will provide food for your household and save you money.


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