Per­ma­cul­ture is a cre­ative approach to abun­dant and ful­fill­ing lifestyles. It is for every­one wish­ing to live sus­tain­ably and tread more lightly on the Earth, and pro­vides an eco­log­i­cally sound approach to pro­vid­ing for our needs, includ­ing our food, shel­ter and finan­cial and social struc­tures. It is based on co-operating with nature and car­ing for the Earth and its people.

Per­ma­cul­ture in a Nut­shell is a con­cise and acces­si­ble intro­duc­tion to the prin­ci­ples and prac­tices of per­ma­cul­ture in tem­per­ate cli­mates. It cov­ers how per­ma­cul­ture works in the city, the coun­try and on the farm and explores ways in which peo­ple can work together to recre­ate real communities.

This inspir­ing book clearly describes how we can live fruit­fully and sus­tain­ably, and is essen­tial read­ing for any­one wish­ing to reduce their envi­ron­men­tal impact.

This hugely pop­u­lar pub­li­ca­tion is now in its 7th edi­tion. Small and con­cise, Per­ma­cul­ture in a Nut­shell gives a ground­ing in per­ma­cul­ture, after which you can either move on to more detailed reads sug­gested at the end of the book, or run off to get started in your per­ma­cul­ture practice!

“…a new era requires hard-headed and creative thinking, and you’ll find plenty of that in these pages.” Jonathon Porritt, environmentalist, writer and founder of Forum for the Future

Also available in print edition

Avail­able on iPad, iPhone, PDF, Kin­dle and more for 


Book Details

Published: 6th edition 2010

ISBN: PDF: 978-1-85623-066-7 EPUB: 978-1-85623-067-4 MOBI: 978-1-85623-068-1

Size: not available

Format: EPUB (iPad, Nook, Kobo, Sony reader etc), MOBIPOCKET (Ama­zon Kin­dle, Palm etc), and PDF


Patrick Whitefield (11th February 1949 – 27th February 2015) was an early pioneer of permaculture, adapting Bill Mollison’s teachings with a strong Southern Hemisphere bias to a cooler, maritime climate such as the British Isles. He wrote a number of seminal books, Permaculture in a Nutshell (1993), How to Make a Forest Garden (1996), a new edition of Tipi Living (2000), The Living Landscape (2009), How To Read the Landscape (2014) and his magnum opus, The Earth Care Manual (2004), an authoritative resource on practical, tested, cool temperate permaculture.

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