Ecopoetry is poetry for a new age of awareness and Helen Moore is a leading light in this probing, ground breaking genre.

Imagine if we were to create a more constructive and hopeful alternative to the human-centred ‘Anthropocene’, named by the great theologian Thomas Berry as the ‘Ecozoic Era’.

In this new era we will live in harmony ‘with the Earth as our community’, in great contrast to the ravages caused by the growth and impacts of industrial civilisation on our planetary ecosystems.

ECOZOA is Helen Moore’s response to the destruction caused by industrial civilisation. Her poetry articulates a new future with a powerful, passionate and visionary voice.

ECOZOA unflinchingly, often humorously, addresses themes such as:

– Fracking and climate change
– Resource depletion and species extinction from unchecked industrial capitalism
– A celebration of the power of interconnection in the Gaian vision
– The many facets of the feminine and the beauty of Mother Earth.

“This is nothing less than a declaration of nature’s independence, a manifesto for human engagement that is inclusive, respectful and aware of the impact all of us make in our day-to-day lives on the earth’s living body. In Moore is a feminist-Ginsberg-channelling-Blake – a voice we need, a voice that will not be silenced by vested interests. Though deeply crafted, these poems are no mere ornaments for our consumption… there’s a terrible beauty that needs to be understood as an affirmation of all existence. If the poems hold to account, the book offers us a means of healing – it is a milestone in the journey of ecopoetics.”

John Kinsella, one of Australia’s leading literary figures, a lauded poet, novelist, critic, essayist and editor, and Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge

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Book Details

Published: February 201

ISBN: 978 1 85623 227 2

Size: 216 x 140mm

Format: Paperback


Helen Moore is an award-winning ecopoet and socially engaged artist based in NE Scotland, and has an MA (with distinction) in Comparative and General Literature from Edinburgh University. Her debut poetry collection, Hedge Fund, And Other Living Margins (Shearsman Books, 2012), was described by Alasdair Paterson as being, “in the great tradition of visionary politics in British poetry”. Her second collection, ECOZOA (Permanent Publications, 2015), which responds to what scientists have termed the ‘Anthropocene Era’ (by upholding Thomas Berry’s vision of the alternative ‘Ecozoic Era’, where, “we live in Earth as our community”), has already been acclaimed by a leading literary figure, John Kinsella, as “a milestone in the journey of ecopoetics”.